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영화 더 웨이 홈(A Dog's Way Home) 대본 및 명대사 100

by TUTORIA 2023. 6. 29.

더 웨이 홈
영화 명대사 100 : 이종윤

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[대본] 더 웨이 홈 A Dog's Way Home (2019)

대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페


그럼 영화 더 웨이 홈에 나오는 명대사

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더 웨이 홈 명대사 100

A Dog's Way Home

1. 집이 당신이 아는 세상의 전부고.
Home is the only place you know.

2. 그보다 행복할 수는 없다고 생각했지.
I couldn't imagine that life could get any better.

3. 점점 우리는 가족이 되었다.
As I grew, we made a home together.

4. 엄마 고양이가 아니었다면 난 힘들었을 거다.
I don't know what would have happened to me without Mother Cat.

5. 루커스, 난 안 들어가.
Lucas, I'm not going in that hole

6. 다 데려가진 못한 거지.
but they didn't get 'em all.

7. 네 집 찾아주기는 쉽겠어.
It will not be hard finding you a home.

8. 나랑 살고 싶은 걸지도 몰라.
Maybe that's a sign that her home's supposed to be with me.

9. 널 엄청 좋아하긴 하네.
She does really seem to like you a lot.

10. 벨라라고 부를까 봐요.
I think I'm gonna call her Bella.

11. 우울증에 강아지가 좋대요.
They say a dog is good for depression.

12. 벨라 쪼그만 치즈 한 조각 줄까?
Do you want a tiny piece of cheese?

13. 저 녀석을 잡아야 해.
I have to have that squirrel.

14. 놀라게 해서 미안해요.
Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you.

15. 건터라고 부르세요.
Oh, please, call me "Gunter."

16. 아드님한테 그만하라고 해주세요.
So, could you please just ask him to back off?

17. 그 녀석은 무슨 종이죠? 핏불인가요?
What kind of dog is that? Pit bull?

18. 내일 수도꼭지를 확인하러 온다네요.
He's coming tomorrow to check the faucet.

19. 집주인이 오는데 집에 둘 수 없어.
She can't be in the house when he's here.

20. 이 놀이는 이해가 안 되네.
I definitely do not get this game.

21. 갠 선생님, 잠깐 실례할게요.
Um, Dr. Gann, would you excuse me?

22. 내가 방해했나?
Am I interrupting something?

23. 오늘 특별 손님을 초대했어요.
Thought I'd bring a special guest to today's meeting.

24. 맥, 요즘 어때요?
Mack, what's it been like with you?

25. 항상 고통스러워요.
It's, like, pain all the time.

26. 나처럼 인식표를 단 친구들도 있었다.
Some of my friends had tags, just like me.

27. 어젯밤에 재밌었어.
I had fun last night.

28. 여기에 고양이들이 살아요.
There are still cats living there.

29. 어떻게 허가를 받았어요?
How did you even get a permit?

30. 허가 때문에 연락했대요.
It's about your permit.

31. 다시 해 보자.
We're gonna try this again.

32. 저 다람쥐를 잡아야 해.
I had to have that squirrel.

33. 벨라, 계속 찾아다녔잖아.
Bella, I've been looking all over for you.

34. 압수할 거예요 안 돼요.
I'm impounding that animal.

35. 개를 주셔야 합니다.
You need to let him have the dog.

36. 벨라, 내가 망쳤어.
Bella, I screwed up.

37. 루커스 담요가 필요했다.
I really needed my Lucas blanket.

38. 벌금은 냈군요.
So, you've paid the fine.

39. 견종 차별이네요.
That's basically racism for dogs.

40. 병원에서 재향 군인들과 잘 지내요.
You should see her at the hospital with the veterans.

41. 이제 집으로 갈 준비 됐는데.
I'm really ready to do Go Home now.

42. 도와줄 수 있어서 기뻐요.
We're just happy to help.

43. 친구일지도 모르죠.
Maybe you're just buddies.

44. 넌 정말 착해.
You're such a good girl, Bella.

45. 왜 같이 앞에 못 앉아?
Why can't I ride in the front with you?

46. 약속할게 곧 집으로 갈 수 있어.
I promise, very soon, you'll get to go home.

47. 난 루커스와 함께 있어야 했다.
I was supposed to be with Lucas.

48. 집은 아주 멀리 있었다.
I could tell that Go Home was very far away.

49. 첫날밤은 너무 피곤했다.;
By that first night, I was so tired.

50. 아래에 사람들이 있어.
There are people down there.


51. 개털이 대장이구나.
Oh, Crazy Hair is in charge.

52. 사냥하는 법을 배워서 신났다.
It was exciting to learn to hunt from him.

53. 그럼 우리만 남네, 개털.
Guess that just leaves you and me, Crazy Hair.

54. 다들 자기 사람이 있구나.
Everyone in this pack has their own people.

55. 그렇게 큰 동물은 처음 봤다.
It was the largest animal I had ever seen

56. 1,000달러는 받을 거야.
Thing's gotta be worth a thousand bucks.

57. 날 따라오고 있나?
Was it following me?

58. 난 자면서 집 꿈을 꿨다.
I would sleep and dream of home.

59. 다시 녀석을 데려와야 했다.
I would always have to bring her back.

60. 우린 온기를 나눴다.
We kept each other warm.

61. 이제 우린 가족이었다.
We were family now.

62. 아침 내내 무슨 냄새가 났다.
I had been smelling something all morning.

63. 눈 볼일 놀이!
It's Snow Do Your Business!

64. 개랑 논 지 너무 오래됐다.
It's been so long since I played with a dog.

65. 더치, 이 멍청한 녀석.
Dutch! You stupid mutt!

66. 개들은 어떡해요? 저분 개들이에요.
What about the dogs? These are his.

67. 이 녀석을 더 잘 먹여야겠어.
We need to feed this girl more, though.

68. 여러모로 이해가 되네.
Well, that explains a lot.

69. 언제든 음식을 먹을 수 있었다.
We had food whenever we needed it.

70. 그곳이 집처럼 느껴지기 시작했다.
It started to feel like home.

71. 당신 소설 완성한 거 축하하려고.
To celebrate you finishing your novel.

72. 그 남자가 퇴원했대.
He's out of the hospital.

73. 네, 물론이죠.
Yes, I'm sure he is.

74. 우리가 당신을 눈 속에서 꺼냈어요.
We're the ones who dug you out.

75. 침을 질질 흘리는 대형견 두 마리가 생겼네.
So, now, we have two big, slobbery dogs.

76. 갑자기 느껴졌다.
And suddenly, I felt it.

77. 보이지 않는 목줄이 그 어느 때보다 날 세게 당겼다,
The pull of that invisible leash, stronger than ever.

78. 배를 채우려면 사람들이 있는 곳을 찾아야 했다.
I had to find people places, so I could eat.

79. 날 기다리고 있던 것처럼.
Like they knew I was coming.

80. 왕 큰 새끼 고양이가 좋아했을 텐데.
Big Kitten would have loved it.

81. 물 줄게.
Little water there?

82. 엄마가 슬펐던 것처럼.
The way Mom was sad.

83. 하지만 액설은 더욱 슬퍼졌다.
But Axel got sadder and sadder

84. 이건 아닌 거 같았다.
It didn't feel right.

85. 착하게 굴어도 소용없었다.
Being a good dog didn't work.

86. 광견병 조심해.
Careful it doesn't have rabies.

87. 생각보다 여정이 길어졌다는 걸 알았다.
I knew now that my journey was much longer than I'd ever imagined.

88. 난 영원히 네 엄마 고양이야.
I will always be your mother cat.

89. 난 마침내 루커스의 말대로 했다.
I finally did what Lucas told me.

90. 온갖 고생을 다 하고 먼 길을 왔는데.
I tried so hard, and I'd come so far

91. 한 발자국도 더 갈 수 없었다.
I just couldn't take another step.

92. 세상에.
I can't believe it.

93. 설명해 줄 사람 있나?
Anybody want to fill me in?

94. 개를 보호소로 데려가야 해요.
We have to take your dog in to the shelter.

95. 상황을 악화시키고 싶은 겁니까?
You really want this thing to escalate?

96. 누구도 개 때문에 차 세우지 않는다.
And nobody is pulling anyone over for a dog.

97. 상자에서 뭘 찾았게?
Oh, look what I found in the chest.

98. 깜빡 잊고 있었네.
I totally forgot.

99. 사랑이란 걸 깨달았다.
was made of love.

100. 루커스는 내 사람이었고, 난 루커스의 개였다.
He was my person, And I was his dog.

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