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Reading (읽기)/어린이 영어 동화6

썸네일-미아의 생일 (어린이 영어 동화 Mia's birthday) 미아의 생일 (어린이 영어 동화 Mia's birthday) Reading (EN) Mia's birthday In a cheerful town surrounded by green meadows, there lived a little girl named Mia. One morning, Mia woke up feeling excited. It was her birthday! Mia's parents had planned a special day full of surprises, and Mia couldn't wait. As she sat at the breakfast table, her mom handed her a plate with a stack of pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream. Mia's eye.. 2023. 12. 15.
썸네일-꼬마 탐정들의 모험 (어린이 영어 동화 The Adventures of Little Detectives) 꼬마 탐정들의 모험 (어린이 영어 동화 The Adventures of Little Detectives) Reading (EN) The Adventures of Little Detectives In a lively town nestled between rolling hills, there were three friends named Daisy, Dottie, and David. Daisy and Dottie were best friends, and David was a clever boy who joined them on all their adventures. One sunny afternoon, as they were playing near the town square, they overheard a conversation about a missing lunchbox. It belonged to littl.. 2023. 12. 11.
썸네일-우정과 사랑의 해바라기 정원 (어린이 영어 동화 Lilly and Leo's Loving Garden) 우정과 사랑의 해바라기 정원 (어린이 영어 동화 Lilly and Leo's Loving Garden) Reading (EN) Lilly and Leo's Loving Garden In a peaceful village, there lived two best friends named Lilly and Leo. Lilly was a kind-hearted girl with a love for flowers, and Leo was a cheerful boy who enjoyed helping others. They lived next door to each other and shared a beautiful garden. One bright morning, Lilly had an idea. She wanted to create a special surprise for Leo to show how much sh.. 2023. 10. 7.
썸네일-써니와 루나의 소풍 (어린이 영어 동화 Sunny and Luna's Picnic Adventure) 써니와 루나의 소풍 (어린이 영어 동화 Sunny and Luna's Picnic Adventure) Reading (EN) Sunny and Luna's Picnic Adventure Once upon a time in a charming little town, there were two best friends named Sunny and Luna. Sunny was a cheerful boy with a big smile, and Luna was a kind-hearted girl with sparkling eyes. They lived in houses next to each other and did everything together. One bright and sunny morning, Sunny and Luna decided to have a picnic in the beautiful park.. 2023. 10. 3.
썸네일-마을의 영웅들 (어린이 영어 동화 Heroes of the Village) 마을의 영웅들 (어린이 영어 동화 Heroes of the Village) Reading (EN) Heroes of the Village Once upon a time, in a happy village, two friends named Mia and Jack lived. Mia was kind, and Jack was clever. They loved going on adventures together. One sunny day, they heard some bad news. There were two mean people, Bob and Rob, who wanted to take all the tasty desserts from the village. Mia and Jack didn't want that to happen, so they decided to stop the .. 2023. 6. 21.
썸네일-두 친구의 신비한 모험 (어린이 영어 동화 Two Friends' Adventure) 두 친구의 신비한 모험 (어린이 영어 동화 Two Friends' Adventure) Reading (EN) Sammy and Rosie's Adventure Once upon a time in a beautiful forest, there lived a little squirrel named Sammy and a friendly rabbit named Rosie. Sammy had a fluffy brown tail, and Rosie had soft, white fur. Sammy and Rosie were the best of friends. They loved playing games together and exploring the forest. One sunny morning, as they were gathering acorns, they discovered a magical .. 2023. 5. 12.