Reading (EN) |
Studying Together
During exam time, Kim Yuen and Lee Sanghyun decided to study together in the school library. They were most worried about their English test. Yuen was good at grammar but not so strong in vocabulary. Sanghyun, on the other hand, was good at remembering words but had trouble with grammar.
Yuen said, "Sanghyun, I am not good with vocabulary. Can you help me?"
Sanghyun smiled and answered, "Of course! But can you teach me grammar?"
So, they started studying together, helping each other with what they didn’t know. Yuen carefully explained the grammar questions that Sanghyun found hard, while Sanghyun shared his easy tips for remembering English words.
The day before the test, they reviewed and cheered each other on. Yuen smiled at Sanghyun and said, “We worked really hard. I think we’ll do great!”
Finally, test day arrived, and they both stayed calm. After the test, they looked at each other with nervous smiles. A few days later, they got their scores back and were amazed – they both scored 100 in English! Yuen exclaimed, “Sanghyun, it’s because we helped each other!”
Sanghyun laughed and said, “Yes, Yuen! It was easier to study together than alone.” Thanks to helping and supporting each other, they got great results. From that day, Yuen and Sanghyun became study partners, always cheering each other on in any hard subject.
한국어 본문 및 확인 문제 |
※ 한국어 본문 및 정답을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우선 다음의 확인 문제를 풀어본 다음 아래의 본문 및 정답을 확인해 보세요.
다음의 본문 관련 문제를 풀어보세요.
1. 시험 기간에 유은이와 상현이는 어디서 공부를 했나요?
a) 학교 도서관
b) 유은이 집
c) 공원
d) 교실
2. 유은이는 어떤 부분에서 도움이 필요했나요?
a) 문법
b) 어휘
c) 읽기
d) 쓰기
3. 상현이가 유은이에게 가르쳐 준 것은 무엇인가요?
a) 문법
b) 과학
c) 어휘
d) 수학
4. 시험 날 두 친구는 어떤 점수를 받았나요?
a) 80점
b) 90점
c) 100점
d) 70점
5. 유은이와 상현이는 이후 어떤 사이가 되었나요?
a) 같이 공부하는 친구
b) 같은 반 친구
c) 서로 모르는 친구
d) 다른 학교 친구
본문 및 정답 다운로드
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