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레오나르도 다빈치의 장갑차 이야기

by TUTORIA 2022. 11. 2.

출처 : 이탈리아 마을 다빈치 전시관

This wagon is an armored vehicle designed like a UFO. Leonar do designed the armored vehicle to intimidate and scatter an opposing army. The platform is covered by a large protective cover, reinforced with metal plates, which was to be slanted to better deflect enemy fire. The armored car was equipped with numerous weapons such as a turret and rifles. There is a sight turret on top to coordinate the firing of the canons and the steering of the vehicle.


The machine is moved by turning the "L" shaped cranks inside to spin the wheels. Leonardo's first idea of using eight horses for power crossed his mind, but he dismissed it because he feared the animals would become too unpredictable in the confines of the tank. He finally decided to be replaced by eight men.


The armored tank devised by Leonardo was superior to the tanks of the 20th century, more than four centuries ahead. Tanks, using diesel engines for power in the late 19th century, were outstanding means of attack.

출처 : 이탈리아 마을 다빈치 전시관

