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10. 진짜 친구의 힘 (어린이 영어 동화 The Power of a True Friend)

by TUTORIA 2024. 8. 30.

어린이 영어 동화 - 튜토리아

Reading (EN)

진짜 친구의 힘

The Power of a True Friend

Once upon a time, in a small village, there were two friends named Donghwa and Romi. Donghwa and Romi played together every day and were a great help to each other.


One day, they found a very important egg in the forest near the village. The egg was special and would be used in the village festival. But the egg was stuck high in a tree. Donghwa and Romi decided to work together to get the egg down.


Donghwa was afraid to climb the tree. But Romi bravely said, "Donghwa, I will climb first and lower a rope for you. You can hold the rope and follow me up."


Romi courageously climbed the tree. When Romi lowered the rope, Donghwa gathered his courage and followed. Together, they safely brought the egg down. The villagers were greatly impressed by their teamwork and bravery.


After that, Donghwa and Romi realized what true friendship meant. They learned that friends help each other and overcome difficulties together. They remained the best of friends in the village, always helping each other and living happily ever after.


한국어 본문 및 확인 문제

※ 한국어 본문 및 정답을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우선 다음의 확인 문제를 풀어본 다음 아래의 본문 및 정답을 확인해 보세요.

다음의 본문 관련 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. 동화와 로미는 어디에서 중요한 달걀을 발견했나요?

a) In the village

b) In the forest

c) In the river

d) In the house


2. 동화와 로미는 무엇을 하기 위해 협력했나요?

a) To build a house

b) To find a treasure

c) To get the egg down from the tree

d) To plant a tree


3. 로미는 동화에게 어떻게 도움을 줬나요?

a) By cooking food

b) By climbing the tree first

c) By singing a song

d) By reading a book


4. 마을 사람들은 무엇에 감동했나요?

a) The egg’s color

b) The festival’s size

c) Donghwa and Romi’s teamwork and bravery

d) The size of the tree


5. 동화와 로미는 마지막에 무엇을 깨달았나요?

a) That the egg was magical

b) That the forest is dangerous

c) The meaning of true friendship

d) How to climb trees

본문 및 정답 다운로드

진짜 친구.pdf


