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11. 평화의 씨앗 (어린이 영어 동화 The Seed of Peace)

by TUTORIA 2024. 9. 2.

어린이 영어 동화 - 튜토리아

Reading (EN)

평화의 씨앗

The Seed of Peace

Once upon a time, in a beautiful village, there lived a girl named Anna. Anna loved living peacefully with her friends. However, in the neighboring village, there was a boy named Tommy who often caused fights. Tommy always insisted he was right and fought with his friends.


One day, Anna was playing with her friends in the village square. Tommy approached them, shouting, "I can throw the best! You should all compete with me!" Anna's friends looked at each other worriedly. But Anna smiled and said, "Tommy, how about we plant seeds together? Let's see whose seed grows faster."


Tommy hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed. Anna and Tommy each planted a seed and took care of it every day. As time passed, Anna's seed grew healthily, but Tommy's seed did not grow. Tommy, angry, said to Anna, "How did you grow yours so well? Why isn't my seed growing?"


Anna calmly explained to Tommy, "Tommy, seeds need love and peace to grow. When you get angry and fight, the seed won't grow. If you keep your heart peaceful, the seed will grow well."


Tommy listened to Anna's words and changed his attitude. He started to live peacefully with his friends and planted a new seed. This time, he took care of the seed with a heart full of love and peace. As a result, Tommy's seed grew healthily and bloomed into a beautiful flower.


From then on, Tommy stopped fighting with his friends, and they all created a peaceful village together. The villagers remembered Anna and Tommy's story, cherishing the importance of peace.


한국어 본문 및 확인 문제

※ 한국어 본문 및 정답을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우선 다음의 확인 문제를 풀어본 다음 아래의 본문 및 정답을 확인해 보세요.

다음의 본문 관련 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. 앤나가 타미에게 제안한 것은 무엇이었나요?

a) 씨앗을 심기

b) 시합하기

c) 물건 나누기

d) 그림 그리기


2. 타미의 씨앗이 처음에 자라지 않은 이유는 무엇인가요?

a) 물이 부족해서

b) 햇빛이 부족해서

c) 마음이 평화롭지 않아서

d) 씨앗이 좋지 않아서


3. 타미는 나중에 어떻게 변했나요?

a) 더 많이 싸웠어요

b) 씨앗을 포기했어요

c) 친구들과 평화롭게 지냈어요

d) 다른 마을로 이사했어요


4. 앤나와 타미는 무엇을 통해 평화를 배웠나요?

a) 함께 놀기

b) 씨앗을 돌보기

c) 그림 그리기

d) 음악 연주


5. 마을 사람들은 무엇을 기억했나요?

a) 앤나와 타미의 이야기

b) 씨앗 심는 방법

c) 친구들과 놀기

d) 싸우는 방법

본문 및 정답 다운로드

평화의 씨앗.pdf


