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9. 솔직한 토끼의 용기 (어린이 영어 동화 The Honest Rabbit's Courage)

by TUTORIA 2024. 8. 28.

어린이 영어 동화 - 튜토리아

Reading (EN)

솔직한 토끼의 용기

The Honest Rabbit's Courage

In the forest village, many animals lived together. Among them, a small rabbit named Tommy was famous for his honesty. Tommy always told the truth and got along well with his friends.


One day, the lion king of the forest held a big party. All the animals were invited and each was to bring a special dish. Tommy decided to bring his mom's carrot cake. His mom's carrot cake was known to be the best in the village.


On the day of the party, Tommy happily carried his mom's carrot cake to the party. But when he arrived, he found that the cake was missing from the big basket. Tommy was shocked and looked around. Then he saw the fox Luna eating the carrot cake.


Tommy carefully approached and said, "Luna, that cake is mine."


Luna's face turned red as she replied, "I'm sorry, Tommy. It looked so delicious that I couldn't help but eat it. I'm really sorry."


Tommy thought for a moment. Seeing Luna honestly apologize, Tommy responded honestly too. "It's okay, Luna. But next time, please ask before eating."


Luna nodded and said, "Thank you so much, Tommy. I will definitely do that from now on."


After that, Luna always spoke honestly to her friends and made more friends, and Tommy felt the importance of honesty once again. The party went on even more joyfully, and everyone learned the value of honesty and courage.


한국어 본문 및 확인 문제

※ 한국어 본문 및 정답을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우선 다음의 확인 문제를 풀어본 다음 아래의 본문 및 정답을 확인해 보세요.

다음의 본문 관련 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. 토미는 어떤 성격으로 유명했나요?

a) Shy

b) Honest

c) Brave

d) Lazy


2. 토미는 잔치에 무엇을 가져가기로 했나요?

a) Apple pie

b) Carrot cake

c) Chocolate cookies

d) Banana bread


3. 루나는 왜 토미의 케이크를 먹었나요?

a) 너무 배고파서

b) 너무 맛있어 보여서

c) 실수로

d) 장난치려고


4. 토미는 루나에게 뭐라고 말했나요?

a) "그만둬!"

b) "괜찮아, 루나."

c) "다신 보지 마."

d) "도와줘!"


5. 루나는 토미의 말을 듣고 어떻게 행동했나요?

a) 도망쳤어요

b) 다시는 말하지 않았어요

c) 솔직하게 친구들에게 말했어요

d) 아무것도 하지 않았어요

본문 및 정답 다운로드

어린이 영어 동화.pdf


