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8. 용감한 고양이 (어린이 영어 동화 The Brave Cat's Adventure)

by TUTORIA 2024. 8. 26.

어린이 영어 동화 - 튜토리아

Reading (EN)


The Brave Cat's Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a brave cat named Maru who lived in a village. Maru was always helping other animals with his courage and wisdom. One day, a big problem came to the village. A huge rock on the mountain was about to roll down and could crush the village.


All the village animals were scared and didn't know what to do. Then Maru stepped up.

"I will find a way to stop that rock."

Maru climbed the mountain with his friends, a dog named Toto, a rabbit named Ruby, and a squirrel named Charlie.


While climbing, Ruby said, "We can't stop that big rock with our strength." Maru smiled at Ruby and said, "We can do it if we work together!"


When they reached the top, Maru carefully examined the rock. Then, he had a great idea. "We can plant trees around the rock and pack the soil tightly. This will keep the rock from rolling down."


Toto, Ruby, Charlie, and Maru worked together to plant the trees and pack the soil. As a result, the rock was firmly fixed and didn't roll down anymore. When they returned to the village, Maru and his friends told the other animals what they did. Everyone was happy and praised Maru and his friends.

"Maru, thank you so much! Without you, we would have been in big trouble."


Maru smiled and said, "When we work together, we can solve any problem. The important thing is courage and teamwork!" After that, Maru and his friends became the heroes of the village. And the village animals always worked together to solve any difficulties.


한국어 본문 및 확인 문제

※ 한국어 본문 및 정답을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우선 다음의 확인 문제를 풀어본 다음 아래의 본문 및 정답을 확인해 보세요.

다음의 본문 관련 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. 마루는 어디에 살았나요?

a) In a city

b) In a forest

c) In a village

d) On a farm


2. 마을에 어떤 문제가 생겼나요?

a) The river dried up

b) A big rock was about to roll down

c) There was a fire

d) The animals got sick


3. 마루의 친구들은 누구였나요?

a) A dog, a rabbit, and a squirrel

b) A bear, a fox, and a deer

c) A lion, a tiger, and a bear

d) A bird, a fish, and a turtle


4. 마루와 친구들은 바위를 어떻게 막았나요?

a) They moved it

b) They broke it

c) They planted trees around it and packed the soil

d) They built a wall


5. 이 이야기가 주는 교훈은 무엇인가요?

a) Always be kind

b) Share your toys

c) Work together and be brave

d) Listen to your parents

본문 및 정답 다운로드

The Brave Cat's Adventure.pdf


