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꼬마 탐정들의 모험 (어린이 영어 동화 The Adventures of Little Detectives)

by TUTORIA 2023. 12. 11.

어린이 영어 동화 - 튜토리아

Reading (EN)

The Adventures of Little Detectives

In a lively town nestled between rolling hills, there were three friends named Daisy, Dottie, and David. Daisy and Dottie were best friends, and David was a clever boy who joined them on all their adventures.


One sunny afternoon, as they were playing near the town square, they overheard a conversation about a missing lunchbox. It belonged to little Timmy, a boy from their neighborhood. Determined to help, the three friends decided to become detectives and solve the mystery of the missing lunchbox. They asked Timmy to tell them everything he remembered about where he last saw it.


Timmy shared that he left his lunchbox near the playground after finishing his lunch. Armed with this information, Daisy, Dottie, and David went to investigate. As they reached the playground, Dottie, being a clever little girl, pointed to a pile of leaves near the swings. Daisy and David moved the leaves aside, and there it was—the missing lunchbox!

꼬마 탐정들
꼬마 탐정들의 모험

They were delighted to have solved the mystery and returned the lunchbox to a grateful Timmy. But here's where the story takes an interesting turn. While they were solving the lunchbox mystery, Daisy remembered she had borrowed a toy from Timmy and forgot to return it. She felt a bit embarrassed but knew she had to be honest.


With a sincere smile, Daisy said, "Timmy, I forgot to return your toy. I'm sorry." Timmy smiled back and said, "That's okay, Daisy. Thank you for finding my lunchbox!" Their honesty made Timmy happy, and the three friends felt proud of their detective work. From that day on, they became known as "The Little Detectives" in their town, always ready to help and make sure everyone was treated with honesty and kindness.


And so, in their lively town, the adventures of Daisy, Dottie, and David continued, teaching everyone the importance of honesty and friendship.

한국어 본문 및 확인 문제

※ 한국어 본문 및 정답을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우선 다음의 확인 문제를 풀어본 다음 아래의 본문 및 정답을 확인해 보세요.

다음의 본문 관련 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. 데이지와 도티, 데이비드는 왜 탐정이 되었을까요?

a) To find a missing toy

b) To solve the mystery of a missing lunchbox

c) To discover hidden treasure

d) To catch butterflies


2. 티미가 도시락을 마지막으로 본 장소는?

a) Near the grocery store

b) In the meadow

c) By the swings at the playground

d) At the ice cream truck


3. 사라진 도시락을 찾은 사람은 누구인가요?

a) Daisy

b) Dottie

c) David

d) All of them


4. 데이지는 모험 중 무엇에 대해 부끄러워했나요?

a) Forgetting her lunchbox

b) Forgetting to return Timmy's toy

c) Losing her favorite toy

d) Not helping in the search


5. 데이지의 사과에 티미의 반응은 어떠했나요?

a) He got upset

b) He laughed it off

c) He didn't care

d) He thanked her for finding the lunchbox

본문 및 정답 다운로드

꼬마 탐정들의 모험.txt


