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마을의 영웅들 (어린이 영어 동화 Heroes of the Village)

by TUTORIA 2023. 6. 21.

어린이 영어 동화

Reading (EN)

Heroes of the Village


Once upon a time, in a happy village, two friends named Mia and Jack lived. Mia was kind, and Jack was clever. They loved going on adventures together.


One sunny day, they heard some bad news. There were two mean people, Bob and Rob, who wanted to take all the tasty desserts from the village. Mia and Jack didn't want that to happen, so they decided to stop the villains. Mia and Jack made a plan. They would distract Bob and Rob by organizing a big party in the village. While the villains were busy with the party, Mia and Jack would sneak into their hideout to find evidence.

Mia and Jack

On the day of the party, Mia and Jack decorated the village square with colorful decorations and set up games and delicious food. The villagers gathered, and everyone had a great time. While Bob and Rob were enjoying the party, Mia and Jack quietly went to their hideout. They searched carefully and found a map that showed where the desserts were hidden. They took pictures of the map as proof.


After collecting the evidence, Mia and Jack returned to the party and joined the villagers in the fun. When the party ended, they told everyone about Bob and Rob's plan. The villagers were surprised but thankful to Mia and Jack for their bravery.


Together, the village stood up to Bob and Rob. They protected the desserts and made sure everyone could enjoy them. Mia and Jack became heroes in the village, and their friendship and courage inspired everyone. From that day on, Mia and Jack were known as the brave protectors of the village. They showed everyone that even with kindness and cleverness, anyone can make a difference and stop the villains.

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리스닝 트레이닝 2 - 마을의 영웅들

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