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초등 영어 리딩(2단계) 12. Wooden Toys 나무 장난감

by TUTORIA 2023. 6. 9.

초등영어독해 2단계

12. Wooden Toys

나무 장난감


※ 영영 풀이가 포함된 단어 7개를 골랐습니다.

1. shop (가게) - a place where goods are sold

2. wood (목재) - the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree

3. rocking horse (흔들 말) - a child's toy consisting of a wooden horse mounted on rockers

4. wish (소원) - a desire or hope for something to happen

5. notice (주목하다) - to become aware of or pay attention to something

6. guidance (지도) - help or advice given to someone, especially by someone in authority

7. carve (조각하다) - to shape or cut a hard material such as wood or stone

본문 및 문제

Mr. Smith had a shop at the side of his house. He made toys from wood. He made cars, boats, and trucks. He made rocking horses and rocking bears. Tom came every week to watch Mr. Smith. He wished he could make toys from wood, too. But he never said anything.


One day, Mr. Smith noticed Tom's interest and asked, "Would you like to try this? I can show you how." Tom was excited and agreed to give it a try. Under Mr. Smith's guidance, Tom slowly learned how to carve and shape the wood. Eventually, Tom became skilled at creating his own wooden toys.

1. Smith 씨는 그의 가게에서 무엇을 만들었습니까?

a) 옷

b) 가구

c) 나무 장난감

d) 전자


2. Tom은 그가 무엇을 할 수 있기를 바랐습니까?

a) 그림 그리기

b) 나무 장난감 만들기

c) 음식을 조리하다

d) 기타 연주


3. Smith 선생님이 나무 장난감을 만드는 방법을 가르쳐 주겠다고 제안했을 때 Tom이 어떻게 느꼈는지 그리고 그 후에 그가 한 일을 설명하세요.



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※ 본문 해석이 포함된 정답지를 다운로드하세요.

12. 나무 장난감.txt


