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초등 영어 리딩(2단계) 11. The Party Table 파티 테이블

by TUTORIA 2023. 6. 8.

초등영어독해 2단계

11. The Party Table

파티 테이블


※ 영영 풀이가 포함된 7개의 단어입니다.

1. boats (보트) - A small vessel for traveling on water, propelled by oars, sails, or an engine.

2. birthday (생일) - The annual celebration of the day someone was born.

3. decorations (장식) - The act of adorning or ornamenting a place or event with decorative items, such as balloons, streamers, or banners.

4. creative (창의적인) - The ability to come up with new, original, or imaginative ideas or solutions.

5. surprise (놀람, 깜짝 이벤트) - An unexpected event, fact, or piece of news, often planned or intended to cause excitement or astonishment.

6. party table (파티 테이블) - A table specifically set up and arranged for a gathering or celebration, often including food, drinks, and decorations.

7. theme (테마) - A unifying or dominant subject, motif, or concept that is used to guide the design or style of something, such as a party, an event, or a work of art.

본문 및 문제

Joe likes boats. His mother said, "Today is Joe's birthday. I am going to surprise him." After school, Joe and his friends came to his house for his birthday party. When they arrived, they noticed the house was decorated with boat-themed decorations. Joe's friends were excited to see how creative his mother had been.


They played some games, and then Mother showed them the surprise. She had set up a party table to look like a boat. Joe said, "This is the best party table I ever saw!"

1: Joe의 생일 파티의 주제는 무엇이었습니까?

a) 자동차

b) 보트

c) 공간

d) 공룡


2: Joe의 어머니는 무엇으로 Joe를 놀라게 했습니까?

a) 새 자전거

b) 보트 타기

c) 보트를 테마로 한 파티 테이블

d) 보트 장난감


3. Joe는 어머니가 차려준 파티 테이블에 대해 어떻게 느꼈습니까?



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11. 파티 테이블.txt


