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초등 영어 리딩(2단계) 6. Community Spirit 공동체 정신

by TUTORIA 2023. 6. 3.

튜토리아 영어

6. Community Spirit

공동체 정신


※ 영영 풀이가 포함된 7개의 단어를 골랐습니다.

1. truck (트럭) - a large, heavy motor vehicle for transporting goods or troops

2. street (거리) - a public road in a city or town

3. move (움직이다) - to change position, location, or place

4. called (불렀다) - to shout or say in a loud voice to attract attention

5. friends (친구들) - people whom one knows and has a bond of mutual affection with

6. park (공원) - a large public green area in a town, used for recreation

7. symbol (상징) - a thing that represents or stands for something else

본문 및 문제

A big rock fell off a truck. It fell into the street. Cars had to go around it. It was in everyone's way. Mike saw the rock. He tried to move it. It was too big. He called to Rick. Together they tried to move it. They couldn't. Mike and Rick got three of their friends. They got the rock out of the street at last. They pushed it to the park.


Now people sit on it. As they pushed the rock, a small crowd gathered to watch their efforts. The local newspaper even wrote a story about their teamwork. Now, the rock serves as a symbol of community spirit and cooperation in the park.

1. Mike는 거리에서 큰 바위를 본 후 무엇을 했습니까?

a) 그는 그것을 무시하고 길을 갔다.

b) 스스로 옮기려 했다

c) 그는 즉시 친구들에게 도움을 요청했습니다.

d) 그는 지방 당국에 연락했습니다.


2. Mike, Rick 및 그들의 친구들은 바위를 어디로 옮겼습니까?

a) 길가로

b) 인근 건설 현장으로

c) 공원으로

d) 그들의 집 뒷마당으로


3. 바위가 어떻게 공원에서 공동체 정신과 협력의 상징이 되었는지 설명하십시오.



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6. 공동체 정신.txt


