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50. 미국 하와이 주 State of Hawaii (About USA, Special Reading)

by TUTORIA 2023. 9. 19.

50. 하와이


State of Hawaii

Hawaii is a unique and beautiful state located in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of a volcanic archipelago composed of numerous islands, with the eight main islands being Hawaii (also known as the Big Island), Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside of North America and is known for its stunning beaches, tropical landscapes, and vibrant culture.


The capital and largest city of Hawaii is Honolulu, located on the island of Oahu. Honolulu is a bustling urban center with a mix of modern amenities, historical sites, and a vibrant arts and dining scene. The city is famous for its iconic Waikiki Beach and the historic Pearl Harbor, a significant World War II site.


Hawaii's natural beauty is breathtaking, with picturesque beaches, lush rainforests, majestic waterfalls, and volcanic landscapes. The islands offer a wide range of outdoor activities, including surfing, snorkeling, hiking, and exploring dormant and active volcanoes. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island showcases the power and beauty of volcanic activity, with its active Kilauea volcano and unique geological formations.


The state has a rich indigenous culture rooted in the native Hawaiian people. The Hawaiian language, hula dancing, and traditional arts and crafts are celebrated and cherished. Visitors can immerse themselves in the Aloha spirit, experiencing the warm hospitality, delicious cuisine, and traditional ceremonies and festivals like the Merrie Monarch Festival.


1. 하와이의 주도는 어느 도시입니까?

A. 호놀룰루

B. 마우이

C. 힐로

D. 카일루아


2. 하와이 화산 국립공원에서 볼 수 있는 활화산은 무엇입니까?

A. 마운트 세인트 헬렌스

B. 킬리만자로 산

C. 킬라우에아

D. 후지산


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