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우선 재귀대명사란 무엇일까요?
재귀대명사는 어떤 경우에 사용할까요?
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재귀대명사에 대해 간단히 알아볼 수 있습니다.
재귀대명사에 대한 모든 것! (간단 정리)
안녕하세요. 오늘 우리가 함께 살펴볼 문법은 '재귀대명사'라고 불리는 친구들입니다. - 목차 - 1. 재귀대명사의 종류 2. 재귀대명사의 사용 3. 재귀대명사 강조 용법 4. 재귀대명사 관용적 용법 5.
그럼 재귀대명사에 대한 복습을 위해
다음의 10문제를 준비했습니다.
풀어보면서 그 쓰임을 복습해보세요.
재귀대명사 10문제 |
※ 다음 재귀대명사의 쓰임이 틀린 것을 고르세요.
① I love myself.
② We enjoyed ourselves.
③ They hid theirselves behind the rock.
④ She went there by herself.
⑤ He took care of himself.
① I enjoyed myself there.
② We made these cookies for ourself.
③ She herself made this chocolate.
④ He got up early for himself.
⑤ Let me introduce myself.
3. 다음 각 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 짝지어진 것을 고르세요.
- Please talk about ________. - Sara and Mina hid ________ behind a tree. |
① himself - themselves
② myself - ourselves
③ themselves - ourselves
④ yourself - myself
⑤ yourself - themselves
4. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어가기에 어색한 말을 고르세요.
Did you hurt ____________? |
① you ② yourself ③ him ④ your sister ⑤ them
※ 다음 밑줄 친 재귀대명사 중 생략할 수 있는 것은?
① We enjoyed ourselves.
② He often says to himself.
③ Ms. Kim hurt herself.
④ The window opened of itself.
⑤ She herself made it.
① I love myself.
② I stared at myself in the river.
③ I am thinking about myself.
④ I baked a cake myself.
⑤ I'll take care of myself.
① The man killed himself.
② Did you hurt yourself?
③ Kathy looked at herself in the mirror.
④ You should take care of yourself.
⑤ Mr. Smith mended the roof of his house himself.
8. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르세요.
A : Did you go to the movie alone? B : Yes, I went there ________. |
① by myself ② of myself
③ for myself ④ to myself
⑤ in myself
9. 다음 문장에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르세요,
Please make ______ at home. |
① you ② yourself ③ itself ④ it ⑤ themselves
10. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 자연스러운 것을 고르세요.
① I cut yourself.
② He helped herself.
③ You can learn it by yourself.
④ She looked at himself in the mirror.
⑤ We enjoyed themselves at the party.
재귀대명사 10문제 정답 다운로드
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